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Peach Apricot Mango Iced Tea

Author: Lisa Le


  • 1 L water boiled
  • 2 tea bags I used a bag of Peach Apricot and a bag of Mango
  • 2-3 tbsps of liquid sweetener adjust to your tastes, I just didn't want it super sweet
  • slices of fresh lemon optional
  • enough ice cubes to fill however many people's glasses you're using


  • Steep the two teabags in a heat-safe mixing bowl/jug for about 5-7 minutes until you get a nice, deeply brewed tea. I wouldn't leave in the bags for more than 10 minutes.
  • Let cool to room temperature, then refrigerate or serve immediately over ice
  • Let people add the amount of sweetener they want to their own glasses, and because of the liquid sweetener, it's easy to incorporate.
  • Add some lemon slices and drink it on up!