For those who know me, they know that there’s a school-year version of Lisa, and then a summer-time version of Lisa. School-year Lisa is kind of boring, usually is always working/volunteering/studying/cooking or just hanging out with Chris & co. She’s not really into drinking—too many bitties and whoo-girls. However, Summer Lisa is a whole different story. She often will succumb to peer pressure and have that occasional drink or two. She’ll go out for food a lot more (spending $$…which she doesn’t usually have much of), but on the flip side, she’s outside and social a lot more. Which I suppose is a good thing. This is a post that you’ll only see summer Lisa do, so enjoy it while it lasts. It probably isn’t happening until next year. But you know where Lisa first enjoyed mojitos? Summer, 2009. Oooooh boy.
Summer 2009 was the summer I went to Vietnam to volunteer and teach English. I stayed in Da Nang for just over two months. There, Summer Lisa first had her chance to shine. Since it was an international volunteering organization (GVN), there were people from ALL over the world. I met people from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, NYC, South Dakota—basically just people I would NEVER have met in my day-to-day life in Ottawa, Ontario. One of them was a bartender, the New Yorker knew how to party, and everyone was just a liiiittle bit older than me (except for the New Yorker) so drinking was fun for them.
We had a lot of good times, one of them was drinking mojitos in Hoi An in this super deluxe restaurant with MASSIVE bed/couch things we lounged on in the AC for hours. It was awesome.
(from left to right, Ireland, Australia, Canada, New York, South Dakota, New Jersey)
So here’s to good times with great people overseas. This drink will forever remind me of the awesome people I met in Vietnam =)
So tips for making mojitos:
- Do not make a whole batch. These drinks were meant to be made individually
- Muddling: v. In mojitos, to mix a drink by gently crushing the lime and mint with ice to bring out the flavour.
- Use REAL limes. C’mon.
- Also use fresh mint, and be generous. It’s both DELICIOUS and soo good for you =)
- Once you make one drink, you can just add more rum and club soda to the limes and mint, maybe squeeze a bit more lime juice and sugar in =)
Now I know I’ve been on an agave kick, and especially since this is a cold beverage, I would normally use it. But I read somewhere that using liquid sweetener as opposed to regular white sugar takes away the authenticity of the taste. But at the same time, the sugar settles to the bottom so you have to stir before you take a drink.
- 1 lime half cut into wedges, and the other half squeezed into the drink.
- 5 mint leaves
- a sprig of mint for garnish I would say optional, but I love mint so it's a must for me
- 1 shot 1.5 oz/44 mL of white rum (we used Bacardi)
- club soda we filled the rest of the glass with club soda, so say 1 part rum, 5 parts club soda
- 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar to taste
- 4-6 ice cubes fill the glass
- Pour 1 shot of rum into the glass.
- Add the mint leaves, lime wedges and juice, and ice, then muddle them together to kind of crush the flavour/juice into the rum. Using a shaker would also achieve this effect I think. but then the mint leaves would be floaty, which could be annoying.
- Add club soda and sugar, then stir.
- Bottoms up!
Again…omnomnom doesn’t apply here. I still stand by slurpyderpderp =P
Chan Nguyen says
love your entry! love mojitos! and love the fact that I also volunteered in VN with GVN (Tuy Hoa, last year), and also happen to be in Ottawa. so glad you enjoyed your time there and thanks for sharing!
Lisa Mai says
That’s awesome! I love the GVN team, I was in Da Nang =) thanks for reading!