These blueberry popsicles are creamy and cool,perfect for these swimmingly humid summer days. I’m about halfway through the gigantic stash of blueberries my mom gave me last weekend, and I’ve frozen the other half so I may give you folks a break from blueberry recipes for the time being. There are plenty of other blueberry recipes […]
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Popsicles
Chocolate covered strawberry popsicles are perfect for a summer treat! Chocolate covered strawberries are probably my favourite dessert ever. I always forget how much I love them until the option of having them for dessert presents itself, I want nothing more. I love the juicy pop of strawberry and the snap of dark chocolate as […]
Strawberry Raspberry Popsicles
Before I get into these AMAZING strawberry raspberry popsicles, I want to discuss my weight issues. People always ask me how I’m not a whale despite making and blogging all my food and desserts. I’m not “fat”, nor am I “skinny”; I’m just your average-sized-grad-student. (I’m using quotation marks because I think terms like “skinny” […]