Sometimes you just crave a little bright green to start your mornings. Those days I turn to my easy, creamy, green smoothie! I’m so happy now that the days seem brighter and longer. I’m about 90% sure that Canadians get more depressed and grouchy in the winters because it’s so gloomy all the time. It’s no […]
Dill Green Smoothie
Well it’s been a couple weeks since I posted, and if you follow my Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve been puttering away. I got a little overwhelmed with the Vegan Cookbook Love project and there was a little drama in my life so I decided not to burn the candle from both ends and I […]
Vegan Popcorn Chicken
I have been craving popcorn chicken since the minute I went vegetarian. I was never a big fan of KFC, but popcorn chicken, YUM. It’s like the best part of KFC with a smaller chicken ratio! So when I saw this recipe for vegan popcorn chicken on Pinterest, I knew I had to have it. […]