Savoury breakfast are the superior breakfast!Make this vegan everything bagel granola for a tasty twist on your morning fave. So we’ve moved and settled into our first home! This whole home buying, moving, unpacking, and settling process has been quite the journey, but it’s probably the first time I ever really cared about how my […]
Peach Pecan Granola
Peach pecan granola takes summer peaches and turns them into wonderfully crunchy, clumpy granola. Reminiscent of peach pie, but not quite as peachy. For those that have stuck around to read my blog for at least a year, NMC may sound familiar. National Music Camp of Canada (aka band camp) is where I’ve spent the […]
Carrot Cake Granola
It’s almost Thanksgiving for those south of the border and I have a great potato mash (forgive the name, they’re not quite mashed potatoes) that was a huge hit at my recent “catering” gig on my friend’s film set. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to make it quite yet so for those who plan […]