Happy New Year! I hope your celebrations were full of some bubbly drinks with friends and family! Before I get into this DIY sugar scrub, I thought I’d do some reflecting, since it’s a new year and all. I spent my NYE with group of very close knit friends and you know what? It was […]
Infused Water Ideas
If any of you followed JSA back in the day, I did an infused water post that was horribly composed and terribly written. This week’s Weight Loss Wednesday is about hydration, so I thought, why not redo that awful old post with new infused water ideas? It feels so weird to always be drinking water nowadays […]
Vegetarian Couscous Stuffed Peppers
Hello, my lovely readers. This is going to be a little bit of a personal post today, so feel free to skip ahead to the recipe =P Here I am in the big city. I’d like to say I’m not overwhelmed and that I’m adjusting well, but frankly, I’m not. I love my program so […]