I feel like by now you folks are well acquainted with the fact that I have no qualms about airing it all out online. I’ve talked about break-ups, I’ve talked about pooping my pants on the subway. Half the population of the world menstruates and it’s a pretty key driver in my hunger when that […]
Vegan Pizza and the Secret to a Crispy Crust!
I made this vegan pizza just before my last paper and it was ultimately one of the things that kept me going as I got my academia on. But it’s been a week since that deadline, a week to reflect what I’m going to do after I graduate in the spring, and a week for […]
Almond Butter
There are some things you have to know about me. There are few things that I will never get sick of. In fact, I get sick of almost everything really really quickly. Some of you may know that I go through phases. Soup phases. Avocado phases. Apple phases. Heck, the last month and a […]
Vegan Chocolate Smoothie
So basically this smoothie was to get rid of some leftover coconut milk and overripe bananas. Oh and to find an excuse to use these awesome paper straws! They’re super pretty but they kind of soak up the liquid a little at the top so the straw gets soggy in about 5 minutes. Luckily for […]
Crispy Peanut Butter Buckeye Balls
Crispy Peanut Butter Buckeye Balls – great for the holidays or an easy snack! Um so in the past few days, something has pretty much changed my life a second time around. No, it is not a profession of my love of peanut butter, although let’s be real, I’m pretty sure peanut butter would be […]
Sour Cream Softies #fbcookieswap
Chris’ mom sends him these amazing care packages with lots of goodies, including these bad boys. I’m 90% sure these are his favourite cookies, and I definitely can see why. They’re a very light, spongey and addictive cookie. The sour cream adds a softness and texture like no other cookie you’ve had before. It’s like […]