Disclaimer: This recipe is sponsored by the Produce Made Simple! All opinions are my own. I’ve worked with Produce Made Simple a TON because they love to encourage people to eat more produce, which is certainly my jam :) Thank you for supporting my blog by reading my sponsored posts! A recipe post two days in a row? Why […]
Probiotic Apple Crunch and Squash Bowl
Disclaimer: This probiotic apple crunch and squash bowl was created for Ontario Apple Growers and these photos & recipes are shared with permission from the OAG. I’m a huge fan of supporting Canadian organizations like OAG and encouraging people to enjoy more local produce! Thanks for reading and supporting my labour of love <3 With […]
Watermelon Chopped Salad with Watermelon Vinaigrette
The only time I’ll ever eat salad is if it’s epic and delicious. ENTER: The Watermelon Chopped Salad. The past month and a bit have been kind of a gong-show in terms of eating healthy. Ever since I got back from LA, my eczema has torn my skin apart and I haven’t really been able to […]
Avocado Nigiri
Avocado and rice are besties Chipotle mayo and soy sauce are the friends that make everything better And nori is what holds it all together. Basically avocado nigiri is a metaphor for your epic friend circle. Just accept it. Okay so this isn’t entirely that different from my avocado sushi recipe, but this takes it […]
Avocado Chocolate Mousse Tart
The Avocado Chocolate Mousse tart is a simple make-ahead tart. It delivers lush, chocolately flavour with a hint of avocado, with all the benefits of the fibre and vitamins! I always forget how stunning a tart can be, even when made with simple ingredients. Tarts present a lovely visual with about 1/3 of the work […]
Soba Noodles with Sesame Tahini Sauce
I actually made these soba noodles with sesame tahini sauce last week, but it is so unbelievably hot in Toronto, I need to make it again right meow. I was told to prepare for the city heat wave, but holy I was not prepared for this. Today it is 31 C, and it is 42 […]