I recently finished watching the entirety of Star Trek Voyager. All seven seasons of a crew of Star Fleet officers and a crew of Maquis rebels working and living together to get back to the Alpha quadrant. If this sounds like gibberish to you, it’s okay. But these whole wheat banana pancakes were inspired by […]
Almond Butter
There are some things you have to know about me. There are few things that I will never get sick of. In fact, I get sick of almost everything really really quickly. Some of you may know that I go through phases. Soup phases. Avocado phases. Apple phases. Heck, the last month and a […]
Vegan Chocolate Smoothie
So basically this smoothie was to get rid of some leftover coconut milk and overripe bananas. Oh and to find an excuse to use these awesome paper straws! They’re super pretty but they kind of soak up the liquid a little at the top so the straw gets soggy in about 5 minutes. Luckily for […]
(Healthier) Chocolate Fudge
Wait what? Since when do “healthy” and “fudge” ever go in the same sentence? Not very often, that’s for sure. This fudge uses good ingredients that are better for you than your regular combination of butter and granulated sugar. The benefits from coconut oil alone, especially raw, speak for itself. Why is it good for […]
Spinach and Kale Monster Soup
In light of St. Patrick’s day, I bring you something GREEN! Use this soup to cure your hangovers this Sunday after a night of drunken festivities. This soup does not look appetizing, but I promise you that it is super tasty and PACKED with healthiness. Kale is just amazing for you in every way, I […]