My last few culinary adventures have been very nostalgic for me. First Rice Krispie Squares and then I made rice porridge (chinese congee). Rice porridge is the Vietnamese staple for when you’re sick; kind of like chicken noodle soup or tomato soup. It reminds me of the times I spent sick in bed, not that […]
Cinnamon Sugar Monkey Bread
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU while you stuff this in your face. When I first started this blog, I really really wanted to make this, but I didn’t have a bundt pan. I couldn’t justify buying one for the longest time because I saw them for 20-30 bucks, usually more towards the 30. But […]
Spinach and Kale Monster Soup
In light of St. Patrick’s day, I bring you something GREEN! Use this soup to cure your hangovers this Sunday after a night of drunken festivities. This soup does not look appetizing, but I promise you that it is super tasty and PACKED with healthiness. Kale is just amazing for you in every way, I […]
Curried Carrot Quinoa Soup
I don’t usually like soups that much, but boy is this one tasty. The whole, puréed soup phenomenon only occurred to me when I saw a post on homemade cream of tomato soup and it looked amazing. Tomato soup reminds me of weekends when I was little. My mom would make some Campbell’s and I […]
Vegetarian Chili
For me, chili is one of those things you HAVE to eat some time during the winter. It’s fine to eat it during the summer, but I love me some chili after a nice skate on the canal. My style of chili is pretty much taking whatever I have in my fridge and cupboard that […]
Vietnamese Fresh Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce (Goi Cuon voi Tuong Dau Phong)
After about a year doing mostly baked goods, I’ve decided to start posting my Vietnamese food. Though it’s not as pretty as churros per se, but I figured I might as well learn/document it now before I forget everything. I never knew what these were called in English, the best description I’ve ever heard was from my […]