I first made these lentil sloppy joes when I was cooking for Alouette. This was the fourth day on set and it was possibly the most well-received meal I had made. The hardcore meat lovers were so ecstatic about it that they didn’t complain when they had the leftovers (I had made a MASSIVE pot […]
Vegan Pizza and the Secret to a Crispy Crust!
I made this vegan pizza just before my last paper and it was ultimately one of the things that kept me going as I got my academia on. But it’s been a week since that deadline, a week to reflect what I’m going to do after I graduate in the spring, and a week for […]
Carrot Mashed Potatoes with Caramelized Onions – And Language Sensitivity
Dear humanity: Stop comparing food with crack cocaine. Crack pie, crack cookies, crack dip. I’m talking about restaurants, food writers, food bloggers, moms, dads, even kids. It’s tacky, intolerant, ignorant, and insensitive to people who have had or have an addiction to crack cocaine.  I get it, whatever the food is, it’s addictive. It fires the […]
Polenta with Caramelized Mushrooms
The first time I had ever had polenta (not delicious, hot, polenta with caramelized mushrooms, but more of a random slice of it) was at an event in Ottawa called Dinner in the Dark. You have dinner blindfolded, which simulates being blind, to experience food like someone who is blind or is visually impaired. It’s […]
Vegetarian Couscous Stuffed Peppers
Hello, my lovely readers. This is going to be a little bit of a personal post today, so feel free to skip ahead to the recipe =P Here I am in the big city. I’d like to say I’m not overwhelmed and that I’m adjusting well, but frankly, I’m not. I love my program so […]
Curried Lentils and Rice
Oh long weekends, how little significance they have to the unemployed. All of my friends are so excited to have that extra day off to do nothing, making the Monday a friend rather than a dreaded day of the week. Some people like to relax and take care of chores and errands that have fallen […]